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zondag 20 december 2009

Goed nieuws van de dokter

Deze laatste week heb ik veel rust genomen en voel ik me goed. Helemaal geen pijn en veel tijd om te borduren.
Afgelopen vrijdag kreeg ik een telefoontje van mijn arts over de testresultaten van de onderzocht weefsel. Het bleek dat alle slechte cellen zijn verwijderd en zelfs het weefsel van het aangrenzende gebied bleek compleet schoon te zijn. In met andere woorden, alles dat aangetast had kunnen worden, is onderschept. Ik ben super blij met dit bericht.

This last week I have taking alot of rest and I'm feeling good. No pain at all and lot of time to stitch :)
Last friday I got a telephone call from my doctor about the test results of the investigated tissue. It turned out that all bad cells are removed and even the tissue of the neighbouring area turned out to be complety clean. In other words, everything that could have turned nasty is intercepted. Boy oh boy ..... I'm so happy with this news !!!


Afgelopen woensdag kwam de postbode en bracht me de eerste set van LHN met de eerste 2 maanden van het jaar: januari en februari. Ik vind de kleuren van crescent colours die zijn inbegrepen prachtig van kleur.

Last wednesday the postman came and brought me the first kit from LHN with the first 2 months of the year: january and february. I love the threads from crescent colours that are included.

In de meeste delen van Nederland sneeuwde het afgelopen vrijdag behoorlijk,  maar hier hadden we maar minder dan 1/2 inch.

In most parts of Holland it was snowing heavely last friday so I was told, but here we only had less then 1/2 inch.

 Maar nu deze zondag werden we wakker in een witte wereld en het sneeuwt nog steeds.
En de komende dagen voorspelden ze nog meer.

But now this sunday we woke up in a white world and its still snowing.
And in the days to come they predicted even more


9 opmerkingen:

Michelle zei

I am so glad to hear the good news - what a wonderful Christmas present to hear that you are in good health!

The snow photos are stunning - thanks for sharing!

Nina zei

I'm so happy read the good news! As Michelle said: this is the perfect gift for you for Christmas!
Happy stitching and Merry Christmas dear Carin!
The snowy pictures are so lovely!


Jackie's Stitches zei

Great news from the doctor! I'm sure you are very relieved.

The snow looks beautiful!


Wonferful news!! I think your doctor made the best "Santa" this year and you received the very best gift, the gift of good health. Yeah!!!

Mylene zei

That is great news from the doctor, Carin.

A very merry Christmas to you and your family!

Carin zei

Congratulations with the good news, Carin. I was thinking of you a lot the last couple of days!

Did you read your new books, already?

My snow pictures will come later; I have low batteries right now.

Jackie zei

Hello Carin,
I am so happy to hear that all faired well with your surgery and on your way to recovery (smile). Thank God.
While out on my walk this a.m., I was reading one of the books by Monica Ferris, and was thinking of you.
Hope you have a blessed Christmas.
Hugs my dear Carin.

Karen zei

Hi Carin, so glad to hear great news from the dr! yeah!

i love the new chart paks from LHN, i will have to order them and start stitching! and love the snow pics, no snow in Phoenix AZ.

Rowan zei

So glad that all is well with the bresults and that you are feeling better. You will be able to really enjoy Christmas now. I love yhe charts from LHN. I haven't seen these before but I shall have to look at their site.